Innovation Grid


To develop an intelligent predictive system for monitoring and diagnosing capacitive insulated equipment online, especially CTs and TPCs, to support Maintenance Engineering and Asset Management, initially serving Eletronorte's transmission substations, in order to provide a tool to support decision-making in relation to the large stock of this equipment that exists in the agent and in the transmission and generation systems that make up the SIN's basic grid.

Key Results

  • Technical: Comprehensive Monitoring System for CTs and VTs
  • Strategic: Anticipation of CTs (without TAP) and VTs
  • Failures Economic: Cost Reduction from Equipment Failures

Main information


To develop an intelligent predictive system for monitoring and diagnosing capacitive insulated equipment online, especially CTs and TPCs, from Hardware to Analytics

Partners / Entities of support

Radice Tecnologia

Investment (contract + internal costs)

R$ 6,70MM





A definir

Project governance for the start of the project and execution of the stages to be defined.

Deadline for implementation (in months)

24 months


Deadline: —