How can we obtain scattered data related to Compulsory Loans on: instruments related to the assignment of rights and credits; bankruptcy or judicial recovery lawsuits, in which there are citations to the Compulsory Loan; verify the financial situation of the authors of the lawsuits; and monitor deposits in court?
Brief Challenge Description:
We are looking for an innovative technological solution that allows automatic, periodic or ondemand search for data on the Eletrobras Compulsory Loan.
The proposed solutions must consider the challenges inherent in searching for information that is dispersed nationwide in notary databases, in databases of courts responsible for bankruptcies and judicial recoveries, in databases of banks and credit protection agencies, ensuring the security of the information and integration with Eletrobras' Reference Data architecture (Google Cloud Platform). The objective is to provide pertinent information to be processed by AI, enabling greater confidence, reducing risks and increasing productivity in Eletrobras' legal referrals and strategies.
Mandatory requirements for the solution:
Ability to search different data sources dispersed nationwide;
Ability to recognize context, avoiding unwanted content;
Ability to perform searches periodically, on demand or triggered by triggers;
Communication via API: Fluid communication with existing systems, such as Big Query, SIP (proprietary) and ERPs (Benner, SAP).
Business Impacts:
The solution will provide financial and qualitative benefits, due to the increased amount of information available and the reliability of its content, enabling the continuous updating of a single source of truth (datalake) for the correlation of data related to the Compulsory Loan, allowing for more appropriate management Classificação: Pública of stakeholders and the monitoring of amounts currently deposited in court. Specifically:
Increased reliability in databases, adding a layer of administrative information to the judicial information from the Federal courts and a layer related to other processes in which Eletrobras is not mentioned as a party, but which are related to the Compulsory Loan;
Reduction of risks in the relationship with interested parties, enabling the proper identification of the real creditors and the installments to which they are entitled, avoiding the possibility of duplicate payments;
Identification of the financial situation of these creditors, in order to enable decision-making regarding the legal and/or administrative strategy;
Monitoring of deposits in court, in order to expedite the recovery of amounts to Eletrobras, in the pertinent cases, avoiding costly and inefficient contracts;
Reduction of dedicated ad hoc HH.
Expected Benefits:
Timely recovery of amounts deposited in court;
Expansion of the layers of information pertinent to decision-making;
Reduction or termination of existing contracts;
Reduction in operational costs.
Deadline: Proposal submission form will be available until 02/02/2025
Questions: For any questions or additional information, please send an email with the subject line identifying the title of this challenge to