Autonomous Inspection of Transmission Lines with Drones
Sponsor: Ricardo Fraga Abdo Leader: Felipe Rodrigues Cardoso Braga
How can we inspect transmission lines autonomously with drones, ensuring safety and
operational efficiency?
Brief Challenge Description:
The challenge seeks technological solutions enabling the inspection of transmission
lines using drones autonomously.
The inspection should include the following main analyses:
Monitoring the condition of towers and insulators: Identification of potential structural failures, corrosion, breaks, missing components, or other damages that could compromise the safety of towers and insulator chains.
Checking the state of cables and spacers: Detection of wear, breaks, loosening, or other issues.
Anomaly detection: Identification of thermal anomalies or other signs that might indicate faults in line components.
Accurate documentation: Collecting images and data to generate reports and support predictive maintenance.
The solutions must ensure that the system operates safely, without the need for constant supervision, minimizing risks to human safety and optimizing operational efficiency during the inspection of transmission lines.
Mandatory requirements for the solution:
Flight autonomy: The drone must be capable of autonomously inspecting transmission lines, following predefined or adjustable routes without continuous operator intervention.
Operational safety: The system must ensure the safety of both the drone and the surrounding environment, including obstacle detection and avoidance (such as other infrastructures or vegetation) and safe landing in case of failure or signal loss.
High-quality data collection:
Câmeras de alta resolução (RGB, térmica, outras) para captura de imagens detalhados das linhas de transmissão, torres e cabos.
Sensors capable of detecting thermal variations, electrical faults, and other critical parameters.
Geospatial accuracy: The drone's navigation system must provide high geospatial precision for measurements and mappings, enabling detailed reports on the state of transmission lines.
Impactos ao Negócio:
A solução permitirá uma inspeção mais rápida e precisa das condições de linhas de transmissão com menor custo.
Reduction of Operational Costs: Significant cost savings on maintenance and inspection teams, including travel, accommodations, and specialized labor.
Increased Operational Efficiency: Higher inspection frequency and reduced downtime for transmission lines. Continuous and detailed data collection enables the identification of faults before they become critical, facilitating predictive maintenance and preventing unplanned outages.
Improved Safety: Elimination of manual inspections in hard-to-reach or hazardous locations (e.g., elevated or dangerous areas), protecting workers from potentially risky situations.
Expected Benefits:
Reduced Variable Portion Costs: Decrease in Variable Portion costs due to asset unavailability.
Increased operational efficiency: Faster and more economical inspections, allowing a focus on preventive and corrective actions.
Reduced operational costs: Lesser reliance on traditional, more expensive methods such as manned aerial inspections.
Optimized asset management: More accurate data enables more effective maintenance planning and preventive actions.
Deadline: Proposal submission form will be available until 02/02/2025
Questions: For any questions or additional information, please send an email with the subject line identifying the title of this challenge to