Uma oportunidade única para escutar o pitch do desafio diretamente da área de negócio, entender em profundidade os requisitos necessários e tirar qualquer dúvida.
Agenda da reunião:
Data: O encontro será na próxima quarta-feira, dia 06/11,
Horário: 10h30 às 11h30
Reunião Online: Plataforma Teams, acesse o link aqui!
Não é necessário se inscrever para participar!
Esperamos você lá 😉
Description: Mapping and documenting several manual processes carried out in the field are challenging for large companies like Eletrobras, because they need to be standardized according to BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) best practices. Due to the high demands, the complexity of these processes and the manual effort involved, we sought an innovative solution to improve this work.
The proposal is to use image-to-text and speech-to-text technologies, integrated with GenAI, to automate the mapping of processes and the construction of normative documents. The solution must capture audio, text and image information (with the inclusion of video being a differential), and automatically generate transcripts and workflow proposals or SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures), saving the team time and effort.
We are looking for a solution that automates data capture in the field and converts it into structured documentation, including process characterization, flowcharts and regulatory documents. The system must use language models (LLM) to accurately interpret and organize this data, mapping workflows based on verbal and visual descriptions, facilitating the creation of documents such as SOPs and other work processes.
Mandatory requirements for the solution:
Link para vídeo de apresentação da solução.
Insira 1 link no formulário de inscrição, para um vídeo de apresentação ou outro material sobre sua organização e/ou solução.
Business Impacts:
Automation of manual process mapping, reducing time and effort for documentation, ensuring greater precision and agility in field work.
Expected Benefits:
· Increased efficiency in process mapping.
· Reduction of manual effort.
· Faster and more accurate documentation.
· Greater compliance with BPMN and other company regulations.